Authentic Puerto Rican Mofongo

Do you want more AWESOME Puerto Rican recipes? Check out my cookbook, The Easy Puerto Rican Cookbook now on sale HERE

The family is planning a vacation to Puerto Rico this fall so I decided to make a few dishes for them this weekend so they can get an idea of what the cuisine will be like when we go. This time around I made mofongo, this is one of my dad’s favorites something he had all the time as a kid, so you know he has high standards ( I mean hey I had to compete with his mom’s cooking lol). Anyway here it is, a great Authentic Puerto Rican Mofongo recipe.

Authentic Puerto Rican Mofongo Recipe

Total Time 30 minutes


  • Plantains
  • Olive Oil
  • Garlic
  • Salt
  • Bacon
  • Chicken Stock
  • Chicarron


  • Cook your bacon, you want it nice and crispy. Set the bacon aside until later. Take the bacon grease and mix it with Olive Oil (you don't have to but it adds SO much flavor) roughly 1 part bacon grease to 2 parts Oil (i.e. if your making 1 Cup it would be 1/3 cup Grease 2/3 Cup Oil).
  • In your Pilon (pestle & mortar) mix your cleaned and pealed with the oil grease mixture, add salt you just want enough to add some flavor. You want to mash it for about 15 or so minutes until it is a thick paste.
  • Peal your plantains and cut into roughly one inch sections.
  • Heat Canola oil in a large pan. I used a medium/high heat, you want to fry your plantains for about 6-7 minutes. You don't want them to brown at all you just want them to soften up nicely. If the oil doesn't cover the plantains flip them about half way through the cooking.
  • While still warm put plantains in your pilon (mortar & pestle) you want to mash this up, add in your garlic paste from earlier, your chicharron, bacon and a little of chicken stock. You will keep working it until it is roughly a mashed potato constancy.


You can serve this with a lot of different things. My dad as a kid always had it with rice and red beans (like in my finished image) I have had it the same way, or with a garlic skirt steak. Doesn’t matter how you have it this is a good and easy recipe.
Adapted from Average Guy Gourmet


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