Happy Sat… errr Sunday lol yea I know I am a day late here. I apologize It’s Football season so all Friday I was at my son’s game and yesterday ended up being Date day with my wife. Since it was dater time I figured why not do a French Toast she totally loves. My wife is all about Creme Brûlée, loves when I make it for her. So with her loving that and making a French Toast just for her I bring you.. Creme Brûlée French Toast. OMG! This has to be the ultimate dessert for breakfast. These were so go they just flew off the plates lol didn’t last long at all. You NEED to try these and when you do make sure to take a picture and post it to my Facebook page!
The awesome serving plates in the photos were supplied by Dowan you guys should swing by and check them out – https://www.amazon.com/dp/B018XJBZF8

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Creme Brûlée French Toast
- 1 French Bread Loaf
- 2 Cups Milk
- 1 Cup Sugar
- 4 oz. Cream Cheese
- 2 Eggs
- 2 Tbsp. Cinnamon
- 2 tsp. Vanilla
- Slice the French bread into about 2" thick slices.
- In a shallow dish mix together eggs, cinnamon, and mil. In a medium bowl whip together cream cheese, 1/2 cup of sugar and vanilla.
- Dunk each side of the French bread into the egg mixture.
- In skillet/pan cook French Toast until golden brown, about 2-3 minutes on each side.
- Place on piece of French Toast on top with your cream cheese mixture and place another piece of French Toast on top. Sprinkle remaining sugar across the top of all the "sandwiches".
- You can either use a torch or place your "sandwiches" in the broiler in order to get the sugar to melt and become a nice crust.
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