¿Quieres más recetas puertorriqueñas IMPRESIONANTES? Mira mi libro de cocina, The Easy Puerto Rican Cookbook ahora a la venta AQUÍ
There are a lot of really cool Puerto Rican recipes out there. When trying to think of one to do it isn’t hard trying to find one of the recipes I like the difficult part is there are so many out there which am I in the mood to make. Most times I will wait until my Dad is visiting and ask him what he is in the mood for can just hit the store with him. Makes for a great day out with him and then come home and cook and just BS. This time around though I felt it was time for a recipe and well no dad =( I decided to pull one out of the bag that is a sweet recipe I used ot have when I was younger. I can’t say I have seen in a restaurant it was just something my dad would make for us and I occasionally still make as a sweet treat just because I love them. These Empanadillas de Guava y Queso can be served in place of a sweet breakfast or even as a dessert. I know if you guys try them you will like them as much as I do.
Hay un montón de recetas puertorriqueñas realmente geniales por ahí. Al tratar de pensar en uno para hacerlo no es difícil tratar de encontrar una de las recetas que me gusta la parte difícil es que hay tantos por ahí que estoy de humor para hacer. La mayoría de las veces voy a esperar hasta que mi papá está de visita y le pregunto lo que él está en el estado de ánimo para sólo puede golpear la tienda con él. Hace un gran día con él y luego volver a casa y cocinar y sólo BS. Esta vez sin embargo sentí que era hora de una receta y no papá = (decidí sacar uno de la bolsa que es una receta dulce que usé ot tener cuando era más joven. No puedo decir que he visto en Un restaurante era algo que mi papá hacía para nosotros y yo de vez en cuando todavía lo hago como una golosina dulce sólo porque los amo.Estas Empanadillas de Guava y Queso se pueden servir en lugar de un desayuno dulce o incluso como un postre. Si ustedes los prueban les gustarán tanto como yo.

Do you have a Puerto Rican recipe you would like to learn how to make? Hit me up and let me know what you want to see.
¿Tienes una receta puertorriqueña que te gustaría aprender a hacer? Golpéame y déjame saber lo que quieres ver.
Empanadillas de Guava y Queso Receta
- 3-1/2 Cups All Purpose Flour
- 2-1/2 tsp. Salt
- 2 tsp. Baking Powder
- 3-1/2 Tbsp. Vegetable Oil
- 1 Egg Slightly Beaten
- 3/4 Cup Water
- 10 oz. Guava Paste
- 8 oz. Cream Cheese
- In large bowl or stand mixer, add Flour, Baking Powder and salt then mix together.
- Once combined add in Oil, Beaten egg begin to mix again. While mixing add in water until fully combined.
- If you did not use a stand mixer with a kneading hook, remove the dough from the bowl and knead it.
- Cover bowl with plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
- Lightly flour working surface, roll out dough until you have a 15 inch long log, and slice into roughly 1 inch sections.
- Flatten out the cut dough, brush with your egg wash.
- Fill with desired amount of cubed Guava Paste and Cream cheese.
- Fold dough over, using fork crimp the edges. Repeat until all the ingredients have been used.
- On the stove fill a pan with about 1-1/2 of oil, heating it up on Medium High.
- Fry each Empanadilla for roughly 2 inches on each side until it is a nice golden brown.
- Serve and enjoy!
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