Mofongo Relleno de Churrasco

Do you want more AWESOME Puerto Rican recipes? Check out my cookbook, The Easy Puerto Rican Cookbook now on sale HERE


I know it has been some time since I did a Puerto Rican recipe… and I know I need to get back into doing them. So here we go lol. So my Dad was coming over and complains I never have anything to eat. Even though every weekend he comes over there is a ton of food waiting for him lol. This time though when he came over I was ready for him I had all the ingredients for Mofongo Relleno de Churrasco! Hey dad now what? Haha so he hung out while I cooked up a nice little meal for him. The only meals that will please him as cooking is when I make one of the Puerto Rican dishes he taught me so not only for you guys but for my own sanity with dad I will have more of these. So go ahead tear into this awesome little dish, it is a great combination of flavors I know you will totally love.

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Do you have an awesome Puerto Rican recipe I need to try? Hit me up and let me know what it is!  

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