Rellenos de Papa

Do you want more AWESOME Puerto Rican recipes? Check out my cookbook, The Easy Puerto Rican Cookbook now on sale Here!

Every week until the release of The Easy Puerto Rican Cookbook I will be putting out a recipe from the book. I wanted to revisit one of my favorite recipes first though. Well not only my favorite but my son’s too. When we visited Puerto Rico last March we were in one of the tourist areas of San Juan and he was very mad that none of the restaurants in the tourist areas had Rellenos de Papa! It was when we left the tourist areas he was able to indulge in his singular favorite Puerto Rican recipe! I know you guys will fall in love with it too just like him! When you do make them be sure to take a pic and post it to my Facebook page!

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Relleno de Papa Recipe

Total Time 1 hour 30 minutes
Servings 8


  • Picadillo de Carne
  • Mashed Potatoes I used 8 potatoes, you can use instant if you want
  • 3 Eggs
  • Corn Starch or Bread Crumbs


  • The first thing you will need is Picadillo, it doesn't matter whether you use Carne (beef) or Cerdo (pork).
  • Here is my recipe for it:
  • While your cooking the Picadillo go ahead and make mashed potatoes. You want to make them thick as possible, so decrease the liquids you would normally use to make them.
  • Beat one egg and mix it into the Mashed Potatoes.
  • Form the Mashed Potatoes into balls, making an indentation in the ball. Fill the indentation with Picadillo then then cover back up. Make sure to put plenty of Picadillo as you don't want them to come out too starchy.
  • Once all are formed beat the other two Eggs, fill a medium bowl half way with Corn Starch/Bread Crumbs. Brush each Relleno de Papa with the egg wash and run through the breading.
  • Heat Oil to 350 degrees.
  • Place Relleno de Papas into the oil, it should only take a couple of minutes for them to come out a golden brown.



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