So no joke this has been about the busiest week of my life, though the one positive of that is it allowed me to do a super quick crock pot/ slow cooker recipe lol. Yes that makes this a very short video but still a really cool recipe none the less. These Sweet Sriracha Meatballs are a great recipe to throw it all in and walk away for awhile kind of thing. Which was what I needed when I made it lol. It is also great because it is easy to adjust the “heat” in this recipe. By increasing or decreasing the amount of Sriracha in it. Anyway guys I am about to start another weekend of my son’s wrestling tournaments lol. So go ahead guys make this one I know you will love it! When you do make it make sure to post a picture of it to my Facebook page!
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Do you have a super simple slow cooker/ crock pot recipe I just need to try? Hit me up and let me know what it is!

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