Melt butter (microwave for about 30 seconds) in a small ball whisk together Butter and Egg.
Stir in Milk, Vanilla, and Sugar. Once completely mixed add the flour and salt, then beat until smooth.
Pour into your mug(s), keep it JUST below the half way point of the mug you don't want it to over flow when heating.
Microwave for about 1:45 - 2:30 depending on your microwave. Allow to cool down and bam you have an awesome dessert.
If you don't have self rising flour no sweat whisk together 1 Cup of All Purpose Flour, 3/4 tsp. of baking powder and a little salt... now you have some. I topped mine with a little white frosting I made, but you can serve this one plain, with a little chocolate frosting to balance it out. Doesn't matter this will come out freaking AWESOME!!Adapted from Average Guy Gourmet