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Epic Breakfast Lasagna Recipe

Total Time 1 hour


  • 4 Cups Pancake Batter
  • 1/2 lb. Breakfast Sausage
  • 1/2 Cup Ham Cubed
  • 16 oz. Potatoes O'Brien
  • 5 Eggs
  • 1/4 Cup Milk
  • 2 Cups Cheddar Cheese Shredded
  • 6 Bacon Slices Cumbled


  • Pre-Heat Oven to 425 Degrees.
  • Mix pancake batter or your choice per instruction.
  • Use some non-stick spray and coat the bottom of your baking dish. Use a 1 Cup of Pancake Batter and coat bottom of baking dish, bake for 5 minutes. Do this 4 times to create 4 large pancakes. Make sure to re-spray between pancakes if needed.
  • While pancakes are baking prepare Potatoes O'Brien as per instructions.
  • In Medium bowl beat eggs and milk together adding salt and pepper to taste. In a heated pan on the stove top cook eggs until almost all moisture is out. You want to leave some as they will dry a little in the final baking.
  • Brown the 1/2 lb. of breakfast sausage making sure it is cooked all the way through.
  • Turn oven heat down to 325.
  • In same baking dish pancakes were baked in layer ingredients in this order. Pancake, Potatoes O'Brien, 1/2 Cup Cheese, Pancake, Scrambled Eggs, Pancake, Sausage, Ham, Cheese, Pancake, Cheese, Crumbled Bacon.
  • Bake for 25 minutes, until the cheese is completely melted.